And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Envision & design your life
If not now, when?

Have you previously turned to self-help books, in-person or online personal development programmes, or listened to internationally acclaimed speakers promising you transformation if you follow a few simple steps? If so, did it change your life?
Inner work is individual and needs individual human connection. I am there as a fellow traveller to support you on your particular journey.
We all have a unique place in the world, as threads in the tapestry of life. Because we are all unique, discovering and reconnecting to our gifts, dreams and true essence is neither one-size-fits-all nor linear.
Like any leap of faith, this important personal work may initially feel delicate and challenging. It flourishes in the intimacy of a one-to-one relationship, the privacy of a safe space and the warmth of human connection.
By opening up to the transformation, acknowledging past wounds, the forces that influence you and the impact those have on your life, you can re-discover and re-connect with your inner self. That in turn opens up change in many areas of your life.
I love helping people like you to see and to create your perfect picture. A new relationship with yourself allows you to uncover what makes you feel alive. You and your world feel vibrant and connected – you feel a new purpose and a clear alignment with your desired future, making the most of this human experience.
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Mary Oliver
Are you…

You are not alone!
- greater clarity on what you expect out of life, where you are heading next, and what is calling to come to life within you;
a radical acceptance of who you are at this moment; - where you are in your life journey or in your career, and what you need moving forward;
- a greater sense of responsibility and agency for living your life more fully;
- new ways to relate to your life experiences, to acknowledge your wounds and your patterns, and to notice your world views – understanding your life journey;
- more hope and an increased aliveness when you envision the future, by learning about joy, effectiveness, productivity, abundance, and freedom;
- better boundaries to protect your needs and enhance your relationships with others;
- deeper trust in yourself and others, giving you a more optimistic outlook; and
- lifestyle changes that will lead you into a more intimate and more caring relationship with your body and your whole being.
As well as the packages below, I am flexible, open to your ideas and happy to design custom programmes.
Book your free 30-minute Connection Call so we can get to know each other, check that coaching is what you are looking for and see if I am the right coach to help you navigate your journey into your desired future.
To get you feeling curious and inspired
You want to try coaching and see what it can bring to you.
“I’m curious to know what coaching is and how it can support me in my journey”
You are asking yourself:
“What is holding me back in life?”
“Do I need coaching? Will it suit me?”
“Can coaching really help me get what I want?”
What to expect
You will develop an understanding of who you are, take stock of your current situation, what’s working well, and what isn’t, what you long for and want to create going forward.
Together we will explore all those areas. If you wish to go deeper, we will decide what support will be most suitable.
After 4 weeks, expect to be feeling: curious & inspired
Programme outline
6 hours of live coaching sessions over a 4 to 6 week-period with assignments between sessions.
If you are starting your coaching journey, I recommend this for you.
You’re guaranteed valuable insights along the way, even if you come out of it feeling coaching isn’t what you need right now.
To get you feeling hopeful and connected
You want to do your inner work and bring transformation into one area of your life.
“I recognise there is an area in my life that requires my attention but I’m not sure how I want it to be, let alone how to get there”
You are asking yourself:
“How do I go about making changes?”
“What is holding me back?”
“Where do I start?”
What to expect:
You will develop a much deeper understanding of who you are today, uncover your dreams and what you would like your life to look like in the next few years. We will choose one area of your life you want to start working on and define the outcomes you want to reach. You will experience the true benefits of having a coach to travel with you on this journey of transformation.
You will see positive changes in your chosen area as the weeks go by.
By the end of the 3 months expect to be feeling: hopeful & connected
Programme outline:
3 hours of live coaching every month with assignments between sessions. On-going email and WhatsApp support, as needed.
To deepen the work and accelerate change, I usually recommend incorporating a contemplative practice and/or reflective writing but we discuss this together in our sessions to find what suits you best. I have a treasure chest full of excellent resources.
To get you feeling confident and grounded
You are ready to engage in a half-year programme and to transform several areas of your life.
“I have a vision of my future and clarity on the various areas of my life, but I now want to bring those to life. I am not afraid to go deep, to be challenged, to put my energy into the work, to be bold so that I can bring the radical change I have longed for.”
You are asking yourself:
“How do I change different aspects of my life?”
“How do I form new habits that stick?”
“How do I bring to life my dreams, my vision, my aspirations?”
What to expect
This is where the crux of the inner transformation work takes place. You will discover who you are today, what you would like your life to look like in the next few years, and how to live your dreams. We will work on your skills, mindsets, barriers, motivations, emotional blockages and energy levels, so that you can make significant and sustainable changes in many areas of your life.
By the end of the 6 months expect to be feeling: confident & grounded
Programme outline
2 hours of live coaching every month with assignments between sessions. On-going email and WhatsApp support, as needed.
To deepen the work and accelerate change, I recommend incorporating a contemplative practice and/or reflective writing but we discuss this together in our sessions to find what suits you best. I have a treasure chest full of excellent resources.
To get you feeling whole and fulfilled.
You want to change your life, and for that challenge you know you want to be guided and supported throughout.
“I want a new life. I want change and I’m ready to change – to create new experiences and not fall back into my old comfortable self. To turn my life around and change it forever, I want to be supported every step of the journey – I’m ready to commit and to take that support.”
You are asking yourself
“How can I change my life within a year and never go back?”
“Is there more for me than I have been able to imagine?”
“How can I be sure that I am not doing this alone, that there is always someone there to support me and keep me accountable?”
What to expect
Deep transformational work takes time and needs a strong commitment. If you decide to invest in this package, you will see extraordinary results during the 12 months.
We will be working on many different areas of your life and creating the change you want. As the weeks go past, you’ll be amazed by how much you achieve and you will want to set yourself further goals. We will celebrate milestones and when you face challenges we will together unravel them and integrate the key learnings.
I will be with you every step of the way; this is a partnership you can consistently rely on.
By the end of the 12 months, expect to be feeling: whole & fulfilled
Programme outline
40 hours of live coaching over 12 months with assignments between sessions. On-going email and WhatsApp support, as needed.
We all have dreams and deserve a chance to attain them. Your socio-economic background or your financial situation should not get in the way of getting the help and support you need.
“If only I could afford a coach, I could change my life.”
I am conscious of the privileges I have had, and that others have not been so fortunate. I believe in paying things forward and in bridging the gaps between inequalities. So I am committed always to offering my coaching services to two clients who want to commit to do their inner work and bring lasting change into their lives, but who could not otherwise afford my services.
If my words resonate with you and you want coaching but worry you cannot afford it, then please get in touch, and let’s find a way to work together.
Dive-in Conversation
Got a specific challenge that requires
immediate attention?
A 90-minute Dive-in Conversation will help you see the light.
Maybe you feel no need to engage in a coaching programme but in your day-to-day life you occasionally face challenging situations that deeply affect you. Sometimes those are overwhelming, bring up difficult emotions, and entangle you in thought patterns.
In those moments you would benefit from having a deep, yet focused and structured, conversation with a thinking partner, someone outside your immediate circle, to help unravel your experience. You need someone who will not judge or want to ‘fix’ you, someone who can see you, hear you, sense you and hold you as you work through the experience.

One of the deepest longings of the human soul is to be seen.”
You might be wanting to:
- understand what’s happening by taking a deep dive into the experience you are having;
- explore what your emotions and physical sensations are telling you;
- gather new insights on how you can respond to the experience while staying grounded;
- get perspective & clarity on how to move through it with ease;
- identify the implicit messages within the experience and the lessons to be learned; or
- think out loud, be challenged and supported as you uncover blindspots and navigate through the experience to a place of peace.
As a result you will:
- get unstuck and stop ruminating on the issue;
- feel more in control of your own experience;
- appreciate those experiences as opportunities to learn, deal with the next challenge, and grow;
- feel more confident about facing those difficult situations in future, and no longer fear them, knowing to reach out for support if they get messy.
I offer a safe and brave space for the conversation that will save you time and energy, as well as helping you move through and learn from the challenge.
If you learn to recognise those situations in which you get stuck and reach out for an insightful conversation when you need it, you will be amazed by what happens and how much more in control of your life you will become.
Price : USD 190 / EUR 155 / SGD 250 (for 90-minute session)
All work with me includes:
Me – as your confidante and primary supporter in change, the push and accountability you need, and your partner to pull you forward into the dream life you deserve
… and also …
Frequently Asked Questions
The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential”.
Coaching isn’t mentoring, therapy, or consulting, although it’s related to all those disciplines. A difference is that in those relationships you’re generally seeking answers from an expert.
My expertise is in creating and holding a safe and brave space for you to explore and bring to life your longings and your dreams.
I’m not an expert on you or your aspirations, and I don’t have ready-made answers for you. I do have questions, and my aim with each client is to earn the right to ask uniquely challenging questions to help you reach new insights and breakthroughs so you can take your life to the next level.
I support you through a combination of questions, feedback, and assignments, and a powerful intuition built up over years of experience and hundreds of hours of working with clients.
The most important factor in choosing a coach will be your subjective judgement. The most impeccable credentials and decades of experience are meaningless if a coach doesn’t feel right to you.
Below are some questions related to different aspects of coaching that you might find useful when talking to potential coaches – reading them might also help you decide what factors are most important to you.
- Do I feel rapport with this person?
- Can s/he be compassionate, help hold me accountable AND be willing to challenge me?
- Why is s/he a coach? How did s/he end up on this path? Is their answer compelling or meaningful to me?
- Can s/he say why they’re not a good fit for every client? What clients have s/he turned down and why?
- Is s/he working on their own development as well?
- Has s/he been coached? Does s/he have a coach now?
- How does s/he articulate the differences & similarities of coaching, consulting, mentoring & therapy?
- Do I feel I trust this person and could get value from working with him/ her?
Coaching is a powerful and inspirational process relying on meaningful conversations.
Different people get different things at different paces from coaching, because everyone is different.
In practice, I sit with you and support and challenge you to expand what you think is possible and, to create the results you want to create.
Expect to make breakthroughs. Expect some parts to be challenging. Expect to experience subtle changes along the way and “ah-ha” moments.
The more you invest, the more of your heart and soul you put into your own personal development, the greater the results we generate.
Any coach should help you get clear about what truly matters for you. Expect also:
- complete confidentiality;
- no judgement;
- 100% commitment to you and the process;
- a person who listens deeply and intuitively;
- a fearless partner to explore with;
- someone who tells you the truth;
- someone who holds you accountable to your; values and your commitments; and
- a champion who believes in you and your dreams.
If you show up for the sessions and commit to doing your work between them, you will feel major shifts.
You will start to regain control of your life, your aspirations and your emotions. You will feel more confident, you will have more energy to tackle the challenges that come your way, you will find peace and joy in your relationships, you will look at the future with hope … and you will look forward to your next session.
People around you may also start commenting on changes they see in you!
Book a free 30-minute connection call with me.
I recommend most people start with the 4-week Discovery Package.
At the end of the 4 hours, you will have taken a definite first step and will have experienced what coaching can bring you.
I’m happy to explain my pricing in a
FREE 30-minute Connection Call
In a nutshell, it depends on your commitment and the amount of support you want. For longer-term commitments and upfront payments, the price per month decreases on a sliding scale.
Engaging a coach can seem like a big financial investment. However, the dividends on your investment are a steady improvement in your mindset, happiness, and choices,.
Think about what you’ve spent on holidays – thousands of dollars to alleviate worries and stress and reset, only to return home to face the same old worries and stress.
Coaching is a values-based investment that improves your life long-term.
What is happiness or peace of mind worth to you?
- As an introduction to working with me, we will start with a powerful coaching conversation.
- Coaching sessions are usually 60 to 90 minutes, in person, over the phone or via Zoom.
- The first thing we’ll do is get really clear on our vision for our coaching work: what does success look like for you?
- If you haven’t completed the 4-week Discovery Package with me, we will spend the first sessions finding out who you are, where your strengths lie, what you long to bring to life and what’s holding you back.
- We will usually have sessions every 2-3 weeks, with the flexibility to meet more or less frequently at some points during the package.
- Between sessions, you can contact me via email or WhatsApp if you have any questions or want to follow up on parts of our conversation.
- I’ll provide you with a safe space to discuss what’s important to you. I’ll support and challenge you with questions and feedback.
- Coaching is about action, and creating real change in your world, so between sessions, there will always be assignments for you.
The coaching sessions can take place :
- in person;
- on Zoom or Skype;
- by phone;
- in a calm and intimate location in Singapore; or
- on a walk in nature (walking session).