Can we create soulful workplaces – schools, hospitals, businesses, and non-profits – where our talents can blossom and our callings can be honoured?”
Time for change

Is your organisation one people want to work for? Something is broken in how we approach work and how we lead. The culture in workplaces fails to offer employees what they need and are looking for; little or no time is spent having honest, open and meaningful conversations, which would give a sense of belonging.
Covid-19 has physically separated us from each other, making workforces remote and disparate. Before, we could pretend polite small talk and work-related conversations were enough to create community, ignoring the emotional and psychological distance that had been growing between us. We can’t ignore that any more.
The pandemic has uncovered and highlighted how fragile and meaningless the connection between us and our workplace had become. Many are saying they don’t miss a physical workplace, and don’t want to go back full-time. How is it possible that we created a work environment that is so cold, so disconnected from our human essence, considering that we spend most of our life in it? We can’t deny the challenge any longer.
The pandemic also offers a great opportunity. Yours can be the place people want to be; to join, to belong and to be loyal to.
Investing in your people means building a culture that cultivates trust and support, developing physical, emotional and mental well-being, and offers that sense of community.
Salary does not create a sense of belonging; people don’t leave jobs, they leave bosses. Everyone is individual and has their own strengths, drivers and dreams. Do you know these; do you know who your people are? By getting to know them, by seeing your people as who they are and not as what you assume them to be, you can create a relationship of value and loyalty that is much more powerful than a paypacket.
I am passionate about helping organisations design and weave strong cultures of community, connection and belonging.
I bring two decades of experience in organisational learning and development in large corporates. Combining this with my passion for developing adults and transforming professionals, I help organisations respond to the expectations of their people and create a unified workforce.
Any system comprises individual elements; organisations comprise people. Systemic change comes from individual change; that is the win-win of developing people.
If you and the leaders in your organisation are committed to prioritising human connection, but budget is tight, I can partner with you to find innovative and cost-effective ways to support your people in making impactful changes.
I coach people, at many levels, who impact the performance, the experience, and the well-being of others. To help my coaching clients work through the challenges they encounter, I use tools from various disciplines that connect the mind, the body, and the soul – including neuroscience, emotional intelligence, positive psychology, adult development theory, mindfulness, and somatic approaches.
ACTION LEARNING SETS (group coaching)
I facilitate action learning sets, a group learning process deeply grounded in the belief that we learn best by reflecting on our own experience and experimenting with doing things differently. In this proven format of ‘many-to-one’ coaching, participants learn to co-coach as a group, delivering valuable insights and performance improvements to each individual member of the group. Those skills also help spread a culture of coaching conversations through your organisation.
I design and run workshops (face-to-face or online) to develop self-awareness, and understand who they and others are and how they operate in the workplace. These focus on different topics depending on your organisation’s priorities. We might, for example, focus on appreciating different approaches and how to connect meaningfully in workplace interactions, new ways of leading, finding purpose at work, or building resilience.
Executive Coaching
Empowering individuals
Coaching individuals is not only for their own development. The ripple effect of coaching those who can influence others is huge. So my executive coaching is not only for top executives, but for those at any level who could have that impact. I have developed coaching programmes to suit all audiences including managers, leaders and change agents across the organisation.
My corporate experience gives me excellent insight into many issues people in organisations commonly struggle with. I also enjoy collaborating with clients to customise programmes to suit different budgets and requirements – I am committed to being a thinking partner for anyone who is committed to organisational change through personal development.
My executive coaching focuses on supporting those who lead, guide and inspire people. To build engagement, leaders need themselves to find purpose at work, value human connection in their own roles, and embrace the opportunity to empower others.
Types of assignments:
- new manager coaching;
- senior manager coaching;
- job or career transition coaching;
- coaching emerging leaders;
- well-being coaching; and
- parental transitions coaching.
Issues I address and work on with clients in coaching include:
- increasing self-awareness and the impact of self on others;
- improving relationships with employees, peers and clients;
- transitioning from technical expert through manager to leader;
- motivating and keeping team members engaged;
- building resilience;
- cultivating mental, emotional and physical well-being;
- developing emotional intelligence;
- developing confidence and having a greater impact;
- finding a more effective work/life integration;
- developing charisma; and
- finding new ways to respond to difficult situations.
Action Learning Sets
There are many other ways to create individual transformation that eventually lead to organisational transformation. Action learning is one of them.
As a certified Action Learning Set facilitator, I have a track record of enabling the extraordinary insights and outcomes that emerge from the group process. Those results are what makes me so passionate about running them.
Action learning consists of a group of up to 6 people who meet regularly, with a facilitator, and commit to moving forward problems, issues, ideas, innovations, projects, and possibilities that an individual alone has not been able to resolve. This tool is especially geared to enhancing development at the professional and managerial levels.
Action learning happens in a group where people feel heard and gain new insights that will move them forward. It is a learning process deeply grounded in the belief that we learn best by reflecting on our experience and experimenting with doing things differently. It trains people in the organisation to have powerful conversations and to work collectively towards solving their solutions to their challenges.
Action learning is a powerful approach for working on difficult problems in professional practice and helps set standards for good practice in organisational learning.
Find out more about Action Learning Sets here.
Workshops & Webinars
The power of learning with others
I design, facilitate (face-to-face or online) workshops and webinars on topics including:
- conscious leadership;
- resilience & well-being at work;
- happiness in the workplace;
- real relationships / real conversations;
- developing the coaching habit;
- the art of giving and receiving help;
- developing charisma;
- integrity in the workplace;
- job crafting;
- finding your why; and
- the Reciprocity Ring.
The format and exact content of all workshops and webinars are finalised in close partnership with you to suit the audience.

Envisioning and building the future together
- A place of community where each person feels they belong;
- A place where everyone has a voice and can safely speak up and share their needs;
- A place that brings the hope of a better future;
- A place that values and invests in personal growth as in developing traditional skills;
- A place where the mission statement focuses on leaving a positive footprint for future generations;
- A place where everyone is invited and encouraged to discover and play to their strengths;
- A place of integrity with no room for dishonesty, abuse of power, discrimination, gossip, broken commitments, or unexpressed feelings;
- A place where it is safe to experiment and fail;
- A place that honours the time people spend relating to each other and building strong connections; and
- A place where physical, mental and emotional well-being is encouraged, nurtured, recognised and celebrated.
If you want any of this for your workplace, I want to partner with you to make it a reality.

The most important skill to acquire now is learning how to learn. The most exciting breakthrough of the twenty-first century will occur not because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human.”
For almost two decades, I have worked in corporates across the world and in many different sectors, helping people from all walks of life discover themselves and uncover a clearer roadmap to their ingenuity. My passions for supporting and guiding individuals and organisations through their professional development and for authentically connecting with people come from my background.
Most recently I was a regional (APAC) head of learning & development for an international law firm, following my track record in finance, public services, hospitality and retail.
My curiosity and voracious appetite for learning drew me to adult learning and adult development theories, and then to motivational and change theories, applied positive psychology and neuroscience, emotional intelligence and somatic work. Initially a graduate in Business Management and Sociology, I became an ICF-certified coach along my journey. My clients value my depth of knowledge to motivate, educate and inspire them to achieve a higher level of success, professionally and personally. My powerful intuition blended with my ability to shift perspectives allows others to successfully craft and bring their ideas to light.
I take great pride in sharing my own learning and am always looking for new ways to apply those findings.
Alongside my extensive professional experience, I lived and worked in France, UK, USA, and the Philippines before Singapore. That breadth of experience allows me to create immediate and natural rapport with international organisations and individuals, propelling them towards their desired success. It also gives me a truly world view, which is fundamental in my holistic approach.